Does Mass Create Time ????
Time Acceleration Across the Universe
Tsafa Theory
The Universe came out of a singularity of extremely dense mass.
Time would appear to come to a halt as you enter a black hole to a distant observer.
Large masses like stars slow down time.
Smaller masses like planets slow down time to some extent too.
Gravity of large masses can be felt over great distances.
- When you introduce a large mass with gravity, time is created. The larger the mass, the slower time runs (near black holes). Stars have less gravity then black holes so time runs faster. Planets have even less mass, so time runs faster yet.
-It is my thought that if you could go to location between stars (void of mass) time would run considerably faster.
-If you could go to a location between two galaxies, there would be almost no influence of gravity, perhaps you can get close to a state of NO TIME or where All Time is Simultaneous.
-If Time "appears" to slow down to almost a stop near the extreme mass of a black hole due to its mass... it is logical that the exact opposite would happen in an area of space that is void of the influence of mass.
It seems that the less mass you have, the faster time flows. Without the gravitational effect of mass to slow down time, the beginning of time would instantaneously flow forward to the end of time. I am proposing that without the presence of large masses in the universe to slow down time, time would flow from beginning to end instantly. All time would be simultaneous. It is my idea that in the absence of mass, there would be no time. The idea of all time being simultaneous makes me more comfortable with the concept of parallel universes because everything is happening at once in the same instant, thus allowing for all possibilities to occur. In the beginning the universe consisted of only Energy and all Time was Simultaneous. Some Energy transformed into Mass creating gravitational distortions that stretched out time as we know it.
Perhaps this can explain why the Universe seems to be expanding at an increasing rate. I propose that when we see the galaxies moving away from each other at an increasing rate... we are not considering the effect of zero mass between the galaxies and how that may be speeding up Time. The implication here is that as we watch a distant galaxy move through "seemingly" equal-distant points A, B,C, D, E...... Point A = 100 years in the future, Point B = 300 years in the future, Point C = 700 years in the future, Point D = 2,000 years in the future, Point E = 10,000 years in the future. We get the appearance that the velocity of the Galaxy is accelerating, when it is in fact the flow of Time that is accelerating due to less and less Mass between the galaxies.
If there is no Time between galaxies due to no Mass.... then perhaps there is really no Space either, since Time-Space are linked.. Perhaps distant galaxies as not as far as they appear to be... The apparent distance only appears to exist because of the influence of gravity within the galaxies.
Quantum Physics Mystery:
I think that the relationship I mentioned earlier between mass and the flow of time also applies at the quantum level. I suspect that the condition inside the atom is one of almost no mass... no gravity... and accelerated time. Hence time inside the atom flows at an extremely fast rate. Perhaps this is the reason why electrons appear to be at multiple places at once. What appears to be a second outside the atom is minutes, hours or years inside the atom. I believe the same can be said of a photon which has no mass. I believe this concept may be the "universal" bridge between Astrophysics and Quantum Physics.
Thank You for considering my ideas.
October 25, 2013